I’ve always loved reading. Growing up, my siblings and I were allowed to check out as many library books as we could carry, and we did! I started buying my own books early on, and I remember setting up a “lending library” on my front porch in 3rd grade.
Why am I not a librarian?? There was that National Outdoor Leadership School course in the Wind Rivers, geography at the University of Houston, foreign travel, creating Leisure Learning classes, 18 years of Remarkable Journeys with my small-group adventure travel company…
I was always a reader, though, and I never met a book sale I didn’t like. So when I got to Telluride, I volunteered to help Friends of the Library with their book sale set-up. Many times. Now I’m on the Board of the Friends of the best library I’ve ever encountered. It’s a real 5-star experience!
I still have memories of being read to as a child and how that experience helped me foster a love of reading. Growing up in New York City, I could walk to the local libraries, and by age 12 could take the subway to the magnificent 42nd street library in Manhattan.
When my children were young, we read together constantly, and our weekly visits to the library to bring home a shopping bag of books was a ritual. Working in oncology, most of my daily reading was in professional journals, and any reading for pleasure was seen as a special treat.
I was lucky enough to be able to retire to Telluride in June of 2014 and immediately fell in love with the extraordinary library. To my friends in New York who wondered how I would manage the long winters, I responded: READ! I was introduced to the wonderful work of the Friends of the Library when I participated in getting The Little Library in Placerville started in honor of a wonderful man, Hart Gleason.
I believe the Friends of the Library play an essential role in supporting the library’s ability to respond to the community’s needs both with capital goods and programming. Since I believe that retirement is a time to give back to one’s community, this is a perfect fit for me.
Nancy Landau and I are in a book club together and one day she mentioned Friends of the Library and I was immediately intrigued! Since retiring almost 3 years ago, I was looking for a way to volunteer and FOL was right up my alley.
I am one of seven and my mom always found time to read to us when we were young. “Boxcar Children” was one of my favorites! One summer when I was 9 or 10, I was really bored so my mom got permission for me to go to the school library (our town did not have a community library yet) and take out as many books as I wanted. Turned out to be a great summer!
I love all the programs Wilkinson Public Library has to offer and I am proud to be a part of their team!