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Library Account Text Messaging

Get an alert when items are almost due and easily renew by responding to the texts

We offer text messages about your library account through a provider called Shoutbomb. These text messages will alert you when items are almost due and you can easily renew by responding to the texts. You’ll also get texts when holds are ready to be picked up.

Will I Be Charged For This Service?

The library doesn’t charge a fee for this service, but your cell phone plan’s regular text messaging rates still apply. Check with your cell phone service provider to see the cost of text messages in your service plan. You can expect a larger volume of text messages with this service.

What Do I Need to Sign Up?

A text messaging capable phone. Patrons do not need a smart phone.
Subscription to a text messaging plan with your wireless carrier.
Phone must be able to send a text message to an email address.
Your barcode number from your library card.

How Do I Sign Up?

  1. Text SIGNUP to: (To receive your messages in Spanish, use REGISTRESE instead of SIGNUP.)
  2. Enter your library card number.
  3. Enter your email.

What Kinds of Notices Will I Get?

HOLDS: This is a notice that you have holds ready to be picked up.
OVERDUE: This is a notice that things are already overdue.
RENEW: This is a notice that things will soon be due, and you can renew them.
FEES: This is a notice that there are fines or fees owed.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: These notices will feature library closures, etc.

Other Commands (send ‘all keywords‘ to

TEST:  Test your connection to the service.

HELP: Get help with a command.  E.g., type HELP FEES to get help with that command.

MYBOOKS: Inquire about the status of all of your library items.

IOWEU: Get a list of fines and fees for all registered barcodes.

RHL: Get a list of holds expiring soon.

HL: Get a list of holds that are ready to pick up.

OA: The service will attempt to renew all overdue items and will reply with a list of items that were successfully and unsuccessfully renewed.

OL: Generates a numbered list of all overdue items eligible for renewal.

RA: The service will attempt to renew all items and will reply with a list of items that were successfully and unsuccessfully renewed.

RI: Get a list of items that are coming due and that cannot be renewed.

RL: Generates a numbered list of renewable items.

MYCARDS: Generates a numbered list of the barcodes currently registered to your phone.

ADDCARD: This will add a barcode registered to your phone for notices.

DROPCARD: To remove a card from your phone for notices.

ADDEMAIL: Change email on your account.

SWITCHPHONE: Update your phone number or mobile service provider (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, etc).

RESEND: Receive last message again.

STOP: Immediately remove your number from the text service, no questions asked.

QUIT: Longer way to quit the service. You will be prompted to enter the barcode and will receive a message confirming your request.

When Will I Receive Texts?

Texts will be sent only when activity on your account triggers a message and will be sent between 9:00am and 7:00pm.