Research Sources
Category: Kids Research
Paint ‘n’ Play
Explore art techniques in this fun painting game from the National Gallery of Art.
Comics Plus for Kids
Comics Plus is a digital platform offering thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga.
BrainFuse HelpNow
Get free online homework help from one-on-one tutors, daily from 1-6 PM, Mon - Thurs. Available in English and Spanish, from early elementary through high school grades, in core subject areas.
Explora Primary
Students can find research on a wide variety of topics.
Gale Elementary/Infobits
Easy-to-use digital resource featuring age-appropriate, curriculum-related content.
Learning Express Library
Test prep, career prep, recursos para Hispanohablantes, high school equivalency center and more.
Mango Languages
Mango is a personalized, adaptive language-learning experience that provides the tools and guidance you need to expand your language skills. Call or visit the library to set up an account.
National Geographic Kids
Books, magazines and videos about animals, environment, history, people & cultures, places and science & tech.
National Geographic Virtual Library
Read National Geographic magazines and explore topics like history, environment and travel.
A curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students.