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Free Legal Clinic For People Without An Attorney

For People Without An Attorney

Second Tuesday of each month in 2025

1/14, 2/11, 3/11, 4/8, 5/13, 6/10,
7/8, 8/12, 9/9, 10/14, & 12/9

4:00 – 5:40 PM

100 West Pacific Ave., Telluride, CO 81435


Call 970-728-4519 for more information

A FREE legal clinic for parties who have no attorney. Sign up today
because spots are limited. Volunteer attorneys will answer questions,
help fill out forms, and explain the process and procedure for legal
issues. The volunteer attorneys do not represent you and this clinic is for information only.

CO Access to Justice Commission logo, with 2 purple mountains on a green background

“The public will not long entrust its Colorado Lawyers Committee logo, showing 2 scales on a blue background
confidence to a system of justice it
often cannot navigate, afford or
understand.” Chief Justice John T. Broderick

Clínica Jurídica Gratuita de Auto Ayuda Para Personas Sin Abogado

El segundo martes de cada mes de 2025

100 West Pacific Ave., Telluride, CO 81435

1/14, 2/11, 3/11, 4/8, 5/13, 6/10,
7/8, 8/12, 9/9, 10/14, & 12/9

4:00 PM – 5:40 PM


Llame a 970-728-4519

Una clínica de asesoramiento jurídico GRATUITO para las personas que no tienen abogado. Abogados voluntarios responderán a preguntas, ayudarán a llenar formularios y explicarán el proceso y el procedimiento de cuestiones jurídicas. Los abogados voluntarios no te representan y esta clínica es sólo informativa.

CO Access to Justice Commission logo, with 2 purple mountains on a green backgroundColorado Lawyers Committee logo, showing 2 scales on a blue background
“El público no confiará por mucho tiempo su confianza en un sistema de justicia que a menudo no puede navegar, costear o comprender.” Presidente del Tribunal
Supremo John T. Broderick