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The Library will be closed February 17.

Youth Safety Policy

The Board of Trustees of the San Miguel County Public Library District #1, Wilkinson Public Library, adopts and makes public the following written policies:

The Wilkinson Public Library is dedicated to providing a safe, inclusive, accessible, collaborative, and welcoming environment for families and children. To make the Library an enjoyable place and to encourage a love of books, reading, and learning, we offer designated spaces, programs, and services for youth 0-18. Parents, guardians, and caregivers are expected to help their children make effective use of the Library and assist them in selecting books and materials, using technology, or attending programs. Together, we can provide a fun and positive experience when visiting the Wilkinson Public Library.

Access to Children’s Area

The Children’s area of the Library is specifically designed to serve the needs of young visitors. Adults in that area not using Children’s materials or not using the area for the purpose intended will be asked to use other areas of the Library. Adults with children in their charge are the only adults allowed to use the restrooms located in the Children’s area.

Access to the Teen Area

The Teen Room of the Library provides a safe and welcoming environment for teens to gather, socialize, and use the Library’s resources. The space is designed and intended for teens from 7th to 12th grade. An adult may accompany a teen into the Teen Room for the purpose of assisting with any tasks. Materials in the Teen Room are selected for the teen population but are available to all patrons. Any Library patron may visit the Teen Room to find and select material for borrowing and on occasion use the space at the discretion of Library staff.

Parent Expectations and Responsibilities

The Wilkinson Public Library is a public building and individuals of all ages are welcome. The Library strives to be a place of belonging for all and the safety and welfare of youth at the Library is of utmost importance.

Parents and caregivers are responsible for monitoring the activities and regulating the behavior of persons in their care while they are in the Library. It is the responsibility of parents, guardians, and caregivers to:

  • Determine the supervision needs of their children and to provide accordingly.
  • Know the Library’s schedule and be aware that the Library may close unexpectedly due to emergencies or safety issues.

Unattended Children in the Library

  • An unattended child is a minor between the ages of 0-18 whose behavior requires them to be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or caregiver.
  • Library staff members cannot supervise children in the Library or when a child leaves the facility.

Staff Guidelines for Unattended Children

  • A staff member may take action and ask an unattended child to leave for the day. They can quietly wait in the foyer for their parent, guardian, or caregiver.
  • Staff will make a concerted effort to locate the child’s parent, guardian, or caregiver, express the Library’s concern for the child’s welfare or behavior, and explain the Library’s Policies on Youth Safety and Acceptable Use of the Library.
  • Staff will submit an incident report to the Library Management team.

Closing and Emergency Closures

  • Staff will encourage any unattended child to contact his or her parent, guardian, or caregiver before closing time or at the time of an emergency closure.
  • If a parent, guardian, or caregiver cannot be reached or does not arrive within a reasonable time after closing, Library staff will call the Telluride Marshal’s Department to pick up the child. Staff will notify the Youth Manager and Library Director that the Telluride Marshal’s Department has been notified.
  • Staff will try to comfort the child if the child is ill, hungry, or upset.
  • Two staff members will remain with the child until the parent, guardian, caregiver or police arrive.
  • Once the child is in the protective care of the Telluride Marshal’s Department, a note will be attached to the Library entrance or entrances, with the following information: “Unattended child is in the care of the Telluride Marshal’s Department.” Neither the name of the child nor the name of the parent, guardian, or caregiver will be listed on the note.
  • Staff will not transport any child from the Library to another location.
  • Staff will submit an incident report to the Library Management team.

Collection and Electronic Resources

The resources of the Youth area are selected to serve youth and also include a few select resources for parents. We define resources as books, iPads, laptops, computers, audio books, software, movies, games, and magazines. Youth materials are selected based on professional reviews. The Youth area supports intellectual freedom and does not censor materials included in the collection. Parents, guardians, and caregivers who are concerned about age appropriateness of materials are advised to assist their child in the selection process.

Use of Technology and Internet

Youth have access to a variety of technology resources on a first come, first served basis. Parents, guardians, and caregivers are responsible for their children’s use of technology and the Internet as stated in the Library’s Internet Use Policy.


The Wilkinson Public Library considers bullying unacceptable and will not tolerate it under any circumstance. The Library defines bullying as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time ( In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:

An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power- such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity- to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.

Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.

Staff Guidelines for Bullying Behavior

  • A discussion will be held independently with youth who engage in this behavior
    to determine the nature of the event. They will then be asked to leave for the
  • Parents, guardians, or caregivers will be notified by the Youth Services
  • Staff will submit an incident report to the Library Management team.
  • Staff may also report the incident to Safe2Tell (1.877.542.7233)

Date Approved: 10/14/2014
Approved by: Wilkinson Public Library Board of Trustees
Date Amended/Modified: 05/16; 09/2023