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The Board of Trustees of the San Miguel County Public Library District #1, Wilkinson Public Library, adopts and makes public the following Displays Policy to guide Library staff and to inform the public about the principles upon which Library displays are developed and maintained.

The Board Outcomes guide the library staff in the selection of materials for library displays as well as adherence to 24-90-122 C.R.S. Standards for display, et al.

Community Bulletin Board & Brochure Rack

For public notices of community interest, a community bulletin board and a brochure rack is available in the Library lobby. These are intended to promote local non-profit, advocacy, and/or civic organizations sponsoring charitable, cultural, educational, and/or recreational events and to profit-making groups sponsoring these types of events in the public interest. Permission is not required to post an item, and materials may be removed at the discretion of Library staff. Materials will be discarded when the information is no longer current, therefore persons wishing to reclaim posted material must do so on their own. Posted content does not constitute an endorsement by the Library.


The Library displays materials from its own collection to provide exhibits on a variety of topics, appealing to the diverse interests and concerns of the community. Collection Displays complement Library
collections, services and programs. The planning and scheduling of such displays and the decision as to which materials and posters will be included is entirely at the discretion of Library staff.

Guidelines for Selection and Design of Library Displays

Library displays provide a responsive connection between the community’s needs and the Library’s collections, information technology, and diverse programming. Library displays inform and enrich the lives of people of all ages and diverse backgrounds. Library displays are planned, organized, and/or implemented by Library staff. Library staff use the following criteria in making decisions about display topics, materials, and accompanying resources:

  • Community needs and interest
  • Availability of display space
  • Historical or educational significance
  • Promoting diversity, equity and inclusion through representation of content
  • Connection to other community or national programs, days/celebrations exhibitions, or events
  • Relation to library collections, resources, exhibits, and programs

In addition, the Library draws upon other community resources in developing displays and exhibits, and may partner with other community agencies, organizations, educational institutions, or individuals to develop and present co-sponsored displays and exhibits. The Library will strive to include a wide spectrum of opinions and viewpoints in Library-initiated displays and exhibits, as well as offer displays and exhibits that appeal to a range of ages, interests, and information needs. The Library does not accept responsibility for ensuring that all points of view are represented in any single display. Library displays and exhibits should not exclude topics, books, media, and other resources solely because they may be considered to be controversial. Acceptance of a display or exhibit topic by the Library does not constitute an endorsement by the Library of the content of the display or exhibit, or of the views expressed in materials on display.

Reconsideration of Display

Patrons can request reconsideration of a Library display or appeal to this policy by following the Policy for Reconsideration of Library Resources.

Printable Reconsideration Request


Date Approved: 10/26/2000
Approved by: Wilkinson Public Library Board of Trustees
Date Amended/Modified: 06/12/2007; 07/12/2012; 03/15/2023; 07/16/2024.