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The Library will be closed January 20.

Acceptable Use of the Library Policy

The Board of Trustees of the San Miguel County Public Library District #1, Wilkinson Public Library, adopts and makes public the following written policies.

The Wilkinson Public Library Board of Trustees encourages all members of the community to use the Library, and the Library supports the rights of all individuals to free and equal access of the Library without discrimination, intimidation, threat of harm or invasion of privacy. The Library is dedicated to providing welcoming and respectful service in a comfortable environment for all library users.

Wilkinson Public Library strives to balance the rights of all library users. We ask all our library users to remain sensitive to the fact that they are in a public environment shared by people of all ages, with a variety of information interests and needs.

Therefore, the Board of Trustees hereby adopts the following Behavior Policy:

Committing or attempting to commit any activity that would constitute a violation of any federal, state or local law or ordinance is prohibited on the Library property.

Examples of prohibited activities or disruptive behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  • Bringing in unauthorized weapons including the open or concealed carrying or display of a deadly weapon. The term Deadly Weapon means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, knife, sheath knife, hatchet, bludgeon, bomb or other weapon, device, instrument, material or substance, whether animate or inanimate, which, in the manner it is used or intended to be used, is capable of producing death or serious bodily injury; or as defined by Telluride Municipal Code section 10-8-10.
  • Assault of or threatening of bodily harm to a library patron or staff.
  • Misuse, theft, damage, mutilation, or unauthorized alteration of library materials, furnishings, or equipment.
  • Possession of, selling of, or use of illegal drugs; or consuming or being under the influence of illegal drugs.
  • Use, sale, or being under the influence of alcohol, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vapes, marijuana or tobacco products.
  • Soliciting or panhandling.
  • Trespassing in areas not designated for the general public.
  • Refusing to leave the Library premises at closing or during emergencies.
  • Impeding passageways or bringing in large bulky personal property or leaving personal property unattended.
  • Using profane, vulgar, obscene, abusive, threatening, or harassing behavior or language, whether in general or directed at any particular individual, including epithets directed at race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other personal characteristics.
  • Creating unreasonable noise and engaging in boisterous activity.
  • Using audible devices without headphones or using headphones set a at a volume that disturbs others. Using any communication devices in a manner that disturbs others.
  • Running, pushing, shoving, fighting or disorderly conduct.
  • Failure to comply with a reasonable staff request.
  • Consuming food or beverages in a manner that creates an unclean environment, disrupts other patrons or is harmful to the Library’s resources.
  • Personal hygiene that poses a health risk to others.
  • Using restrooms for bathing, shaving or washing of clothes.
  • Misuse of computers including illegal activities and publicly viewing sexually explicit or pornographic materials, whether in photographic, graphic or animated form which does not relate to medical research or would otherwise be considered obscene by local community standards, to include viewing or displaying obscene material that as defined by C.R.S. 18-7-101(1), contain child pornography as defined by 18 U.S.C. 2256(8), or which is harmful
    to minors as defined by C.R.S. 24-92-602(3).
  • Carry, lead, bring any unauthorized animal into the library, except for Service Animals. Service Animals must be under the control of their owners.

Enforcement of this Policy will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. Library staff and/or the Telluride Marshal’s Department will intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors. Patrons who fail to observe the Use of the Library Policy may be asked to leave the Library, be banned from the Library for a period of time, be subject to arrest or other lawful action. The Marshal will be contacted if the patron refuses to leave or reenters the building.

Library staff members are authorized to temporarily suspend patrons violating this policy. Patrons who violate this Policy may be issued a suspension letter, suspending library privileges for a defined period of time, not to exceed one year to be determined by the Library Director based on the nature or severity of the violations. In cases of multiple suspensions, the Library may issue a suspension of more than one year as determined by the Library Director and Board of Trustees. The Library may issue a suspension letter after the first violation of this Policy if it is determined that such violation is severe.

Violations of this Policy will be recorded in an Incident Form kept on file by the Library. A copy of this Policy may be included with any suspension letter.

Patrons banned/suspended from the Library shall be entitled to appeal that ban to the Board of Trustees once in writing. An appeal petition must be delivered to the Library Director at: 100 W. Pacific Street, P.O. Box 2189, Telluride, CO 81435 within 15 days of the date of any action taken to suspend the patron. The appeal must include all of the reasons the patron believes they are not in violation of this policy and state why the patron cannot comply with any requests of library personnel that would otherwise have allowed reinstatement of library privileges. The Board of Trustees will issue a written determination of the appealed matter within 45 days of
receipt. The Board of Trustees may uphold, overturn or propose accommodation of the suspension. The determination is final and shall have no precedential value. An appeal may not be repeated.

Date Approved: 08/08/2006
Approved by: Wilkinson Public Library Board of Trustees
Date Amended/Modified: 11/27/07; 08/08/10; 08/21/2014; 08/19/2021