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The Library will be closed February 17.

Interlibrary Loan Policy

The Board of Trustees of the San Miguel County Public Library District #1, Wilkinson Public Library, adopts and makes public the following written policies.

Interlibrary Loan is a national cooperative borrowing agreement that allows Wilkinson Public Library District residents with current library cards to borrow materials owned by public and university libraries throughout the United States. The District does not charge for interlibrary loan service, however the patron is responsible for charges for lost or damaged materials or overdue fines. New, high demand, audiovisual, microfilm, and genealogy materials may not be available to borrow.

WPL patrons are limited to 50 concurrent requests for items owned within the Marmot/Prospector consortiums. The number of concurrent requests outside the Prospector system may be further limited at staff’s discretion.

The District will comply with all copyright laws. Requests that violate copyright laws will not be accepted. Ordinarily, it is not possible to interlibrary loan an entire periodical issue. Photocopies received through interlibrary loan will be stamped with a notice of copyright.

The District also participates in the national interlibrary loan program as a lender. The District reserves the right to deny requests for new, high demand, or reference material. Libraries requesting interlibrary loan material will abide by the District’s due dates, renewal and special use guidelines. Borrowers will be expected to pay replacement or repair costs for materials lost, destroyed or damaged.

The District’s Board of Trustees adopts the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States (January 2001). This document is the foundation for all local interlibrary loan policies and is available from the American Library Association website.

Rules Governing Marmot and Prospector Loans

The Wilkinson Public Library enjoys a special arrangement through its membership in the Marmot Library Consortium and Prospector Library Consortium, allowing district cardholders to borrow items directly through shared library catalogs. These direct loans are subject to the same loan rules as items checked out from the WPL collection.

Rules Governing Loans Outside the Marmot/ Prospector Systems

Library card holders wishing to borrow items not owned by Prospector libraries may do so by placing a request with a staff member. Loan periods, renewal restrictions, special limits on use and overdue fines for these items are set by the lending library. Replacement and processing costs for lost or damaged items will vary with the lending library and are the responsibility of the patron. If loss or damage occurs in transit to or from the lending library, the District will meet all costs of repair or replacement.

Date Approved: 10/26/2000
Approved by: Wilkinson Public Library Board of Trustees
Date Amended/Modified: 06/12/2007; 07/12/2012; 03/15/2023