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The Library will be closed January 20.

5 Star Library

13 years in a row!

Wow – Your Library – the Wilkinson Public Library (San Miguel Public Library District #1) earned the Library Journal Five Star rating for the 13th year in a row.  WPL is one of only six public libraries from across the nation to receive the Five Star rating for 13 consecutive years.

The Wilkinson Public Library performs very well nationally when compared to peer public libraries.  The ranking highlights the community’s support of the library, as well as the staff’s commitment to working hard to develop programs, services and collections that are meaningful for all ages.

The rating is based on seven per capita outcomes: Wi-Fi sessions, e-retrievals, total circulation, circulation of electronic materials, library visits, program attendance and public computer use.  In 2018, the year from which the statistics are used for this year’s rating, Wilkinson Public Library had 247,607 library visits, 208,882 materials circulated (includes digital), 28,576 people (of all ages) attending programs, 30,787 public internet computer uses, and 131,984 WiFi sessions. In Colorado, the Pueblo City-County Library and the La Veta Regional Library District also received the Five Star ranking.

Thank you for making WPL a great public library!